Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Morn 2010

I know today is going to be a busy, noisy day with so many people, about 20 family members in my sisters home. Knowing the mix, there is probably going to be tension at least, little spats at most. I can choose how my day can be and how I will react in advance, If no reason except a self-centered desire to have peace in me. I can smile and let it roll off, giving grAce, justify it, think what their motives and thoughts may be. Let my life be full of your fruits I get to share because of your spirit in me (gal 5:22) I can ask them a question in response to their question or comment. Don't be easily offended, turn the irritant into a discussion as to why this topic is important. Really, all this won't matter the next day, let alone 5 years from now. Lord, let me be a shining light, show me your way, help me to lead by example, take opportunities to teach our children how to react like Jesus. Got to learn how to do this in easy situations so you can stand firm in harder. Reminds me of Luke 16:10   “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much....". Including pressure and hurtful words and actions from those who should love and want the best for us.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta said "We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love." Choose love and peace today with your family. Thank you God for Jesus and your holy spirit in our lives.