Sunday, June 27, 2010

Free Gift: Hope for the Future

What me, worry? I have done lots of that, never bought me another day on earth.   I want to journal some of my favorite verses. I like to know other people's and what they mean to them.
This one came up in a deep conversation with a friend whose child and boyfried are going through very serious health issues and the friend is has a big set of problems.  Why should anyone have a hope for the future when our present life may be very hard, uncertain, filled with pain, dispair, poverty.  In my hardest times, even before being a professing Christian, I had and acknowledge that God is the one who gave me his promises, fruits of the spirit, for this verse especially a life plan and  hope for the future. God's provisions got me through times like divorce, moving, fights, attacks, being fired, bouncing checks, health scares, helping others, more resently long-time partner and friend embezzling.

So how do I know for sure God has a plan and gives me hope.  Seen it in action, look back and think of all the times I was like film " developed in the dark".  Not only survive these events, but come out with more wisdom, strength, feeling at peace with the direction I let God lead me.  Not to say I still don't make many of my own decisons, and have many times not relied, believed, trusted what God wants me to do. 
I've had clear dreams and clear messages, but in many ways, esp. continuing to do what I do....Through it all, I know God created and loves me and is the awesome power that gives me hope.

Jerimiah 28:11
11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Thief, Liar, Embezz, delusional ....Love them

I'm mad and frustrated about someone who is not complying with a lawsuit judgement.  This makes me feel better to write my response, no I didn't send it. 

You had many other choices on how to pay this debt. Could have paid in partial over 11 months, give us a client you took, give us your boat, your wine, your extra car, your pro team seat options, tickets, you could have signed over a/r.... I'm sure you don't have money when you live in a $400k house, with 2 nice cars, eat out regularly, a boat, proteam seats, vacations and have to pay for our ex-employee to additionally steal from us.

You have the tax estimate from a highly qualified and highly moral cpa. Timeline is the same timeline for all businesses, you idiot. Numbers changed because you screwed up the books so badly before you left, the documents you are looking at are a fairy tail. Talk about numbers not jiving!! Between you and an immoral bookkeeper we trusted with everything, we got to learn the hard way to not trust 1 person fully. We got to learn what evilness presents itself through greedy, boostful, justifying people. We paid our share of late and interest penalties and we still are paying interest on the loans you took out to spend on your greedy self, fill that emptiness, that ego. You DO know that things were "Your way" for nearly 5 years....but you are so delusional, you really don't think this is and was such a problem you created IN FULL. You deserve jailtime for your 2 felonies and 5 years of IRS audits, but yet you walked away not paying us a dime, and was able to start and keep running a business with all the clients you lied to, or clients who stayed because you paid for prostitutes and extravegant meals.

Overall, I want to apply Matthew 5:42 Love your Enemy. Also want to hurt him. I want him to say "wow, you've shown so much grace, because of this I want to change my life, Thanks" who is delusional?
I can see myself fully forgiving, but gotta let God change me to want to LOVE.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I may not agree with what you're saying.....

A couple of reasons I want to defend free speech: 1. Saw an enlightening documentary on the plight of the citizens and press in Burma. read more here:

2. My school district decided to interpret a STATE OF TEXAS freedom of speech LAW in a very restrictive way that is illegal.  So now what, I sue? Don't have that much money and clout nor inscensed enough to spend the money I do have on it. But I can confront the school district's board and point out parts of the law they decided to squash.   Will be meeting again this week.  When defining why this was important, I could go way back to childhood in the 60's, or better, women's rights.  Problem I have is that I want 1st amendment expression freedoms, but to a point.  Can someone stand on top of a builiding with loud speaker to speak his mind....well, yes, but please not nude, be between 8 am and 10 pm, etc.  Goes back to "Must have rules inorder to have equal freedoms".

..."Most people believe in the right to free speech, but debate whether it should cover flag-burning, hard-core rap and heavy-metal lyrics, tobacco advertising, hate speech, pornography, nude dancing, solicitation and various forms of symbolic speech. Many would agree to limiting some forms of free expression, as seen in the First Amendment Center's State of the First Amendment survey reports.

Most people, at some level, recognize the necessity of religious liberty and toleration, but some balk when a religious tenet of a minority religion conflicts with a generally applicable law or with their own religious faith. Many Americans see the need to separate the state from the church to some extent, but decry the banning of school-sponsored prayer from public schools and the removal of the Ten Commandments from public buildings.

Further, courts wrestle daily with First Amendment controversies and constitutional clashes, as evidenced by the free-press vs. fair-trial debate and the dilemma of First Amendment liberty principles vs. the equality values of the 14th Amendment.

Such difficulties are the price of freedom of speech and religion in a tolerant, open society."

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Stop Consuming

I dare you...I DARE ME....STOP consuming. Not air, water, basic food, simple shelter, YOU know what I mean. Try 1 day. I did. I like lots of really clean water, hot water, love being able to go to a doctor or dentist for anything easily, really care for air conditioning, heat, t.v., radio, easy transportation, eating out, . I like each of our kids having a room, ....
What if I just stopped. First, had a difficult time just not spending money. already have most all resources paid monthly, and most all draw from our bank account. So at first I limited my goal to just cash out of pocket. Being a Dave Ramsey fan and before just used common sense, we've never have alot we pay for with cash. Mostly food and kid stuff.

I want to jump off the rat race

"The time is now to make changes in our lifestyles and consumption. "

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Live YOUR life

June 13, 2010
How to Live: Follow Your Heart, Risk Be Damned
Ben Stein Says Happiness Comes to Those Who Pursue Careers That Define Their Passions
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Ben Stein says to those about to embark on a career: Listen to your heart, not others'.  (CBS)
Oh, No, It's College Acceptance Letter Time!
(CBS)  As the college class of 2010 heads out into the world, take a moment to hear the advice of our contributor Ben Stein:

It is graduation time for you young people. That means time to make some decisions and take some action about your lives. I would like to offer you some deep thoughts at this season.

A few days ago, I asked my shrink, a super-smart guy, how he would generally divide up the people who were happy in life from those who were not.

He answered like a shot.

The unhappy ones, he said, are people who let their parents or their family talk them into doing something for a career that wasn't really them. They are people who wanted to be writers or performers, and decided instead to take the cautious route and go to accountancy school or law school or dental school.

Now, he said, they are well into their middle age and they make a decent living, but they just don't like what they do.

What they do, you might say, is not them. It is not who they are or who they wanted to be. It's too late for most of them to try to change, and they haven't built up a lifetime of experience and contacts in the field they want to be in.

So, he said, "they just come in to my office and complain."

"And what about the happy ones?" I asked him. "What did they do?"

My shrink answered that, again, like a shot.

"They made a decision to live," he said, and those were his exact words.

They decided to do what their hearts told them to do, to do what was in them to do. They took risks and they took chances, and they tried a lot of different things until they got to where they wanted to be.

This very often means working incredibly hard and living on the edge. But it gets you to where you can look back on your life and say it wasn't wasted.

I left the doctor's office with my brain on fire. His advice is spectacular.

Unless you are born rich - or even if you are - you have to earn your keep, that is for sure. But to decide to live - that makes a lot of difference in this difficult world.

That's it. Choose to live a life you want to live, not one that's safe or what someone else thinks you should do.

Decide to live.

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Friday, June 11, 2010

Interpretations of modern day life

My moms "I'm bored" meant Radio, jump rope and games. My bored was 3 black/white channels, dirt bikes, military pools. My children's bored is ... Well you know. "there's nothing to eat/wear" has gone from literally nothing to peanut butter and spam to 2 freezers and a stocked pantry of premade food. Count your blessing and quit being whineybabies.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Revolution. Stop being your old self. Invest in your future, don't gamble. Choose love, choose to have right thinking with no worry, anxiety. Keep out the thinking that destroys: jealousy petty things, thinking that I can figure it out, boasting, run the show.
I want peace freedom. Love lack of jealousy. Put off your old self, put on new nature of God. Ephesians 4:22-24

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Connection. Want some more, always have. Need more, but too fast too much for many. And am confused why, when put in a place where strangers great each other like long-time friends, I feel they are invading my space. "Outliers" did study of a small town finding that connections in community was the secret fountain of youth. I want to move there, be loved and accepted no matter if they know the real me.