Tuesday, April 6, 2010


It's fun creating and building something new. Now let's see if I keep up with this. I've wanted diary for a while now, but prefer it to be anonymous for the time. Last time I kept a paper diary was in 1977, but then a boyfriend who used our hard earned money to buy blow blew the blow then read my diaries, then blew up at me. That is when I exited fast from that old life to a new life. Very apt subject for Easter 2010. So a diary along with all other words mean something more than just a listing of what happened, what happens. I want to do an "Artist's Way" kinda thing, just write what pops up, especially when just waking up. Pray and meditate in a half awake mode, let God flow, let my brain work things out, let me vent. Words like trust, love, integrity, choice, freedom, truth, honesty, caring, build, create, and made up words like TRUV. If I had or when I do have a tattoo, it will have 2 words: TRUV and Freedom. Truv is something I made up because I can't have love without trust, I don't want to. It's too much disharmony. I can forgive and learn to trust, but the two feelings are so entwined in my heart and past that it is hard for me to love and not trust or trust and not love. Words bound what we feel and would like to say, so make up some. Other languages have one word for something that takes us several to describe. Well, here's to truving my husband, kids, family, friends, ...how about everyone, even my enemies.

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